What is the Prognosis for typical dengue fever?

Dengue fever forecast the acute illness that occurs very differently and indiscriminately among the people who live in the affected areas. This disease was first identified in the Caribbean in 1827-1828. Common symptoms of dengue fever are rashes, headache, blood pressure, and dizziness, extreme pains in the body and swollen lymph’s and glands. It is also possible that the person who has got affected to the dengue earlier can get it many times. What makes this fever fatal is the decrease of platelets count and it affects the patient’s internal organs which are left uncontrolled. This may also lead to collapse of organs.
The dengue virus is regularly found in the tropical and sub tropical areas as it is contracted by a bite of certain species of stripped mosquito which lives in the moist environment all through the year. The incubation period of the virus after being transmitted by the bite of a mosquito is from 3 to 15 days period. The symptoms appear suddenly and the patients recover after many weeks. The treatment for this involves the adequate hydration all the time. So, the bottom line is that dengue makes people to suffer a lot and can be more threatening to life. You have to surely make efforts to prevent the breeding of dengue disease with a special care and attention. It is a kind of typical disease that is rarely fatal and dangerous. So far there are no specific medicines for it. Once contracted the disease, you need to be monitored or observed closely and carefully for high fever, internal bleeding and dehydration. Failure to look after the condition properly could expose the patient to high risk of health and can lead even to death.

The prognosis for a typical dengue fever is the nausea and vomiting in the patients. In a less number of cases, the virus causes increased vascular penetration that leads to a bleeding condition which is quite similar to (DIC) disseminated intravascular coagulation which is known as dengue hemorrhagic fever. The rapid step and clinical response to cure dengue fever is the sudden treatment with lots of fluids and electrolytes. Severe internal bleeding can lead to a serious circulatory collapse and shock. The continuous bleeding can be controlled, reduced or prevented by the use of medicines like chandrakala-Ras, Kamdudha-Ras, Amalakal, Laka, Chandan, Manjishtha and Vasa. Survival is related directly to early hospitalisation and aggressive care.
The government took search and destroy type of programme to stop mosquito bites on basis of war foot. They are trying to control the disease in a very effective way. Elimination of hubs will not only help to get rid of the dengue mosquito but also the mosquitoes that spread malaria. Cleanse is must better to follow than to have a copy of your health insurance or life insurance policy.

What is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever?

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease mainly caused by viruses transmitted by a species of mosquito name Aedes aegypti. This disease is known as “break -bone” disease as there are severe pains in joints and muscles. The disease has to be treated quickly to save life of a patient. It is hard and difficult to find out the first signs and symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever as they are not specified exactly. Dengue viruses need a certain place to develop. When it is contracted by a mosquito, the dengue virus will breed in the saliva and when the mosquito bites a person, the saliva carrying the viruses will enter the skin and then look for a cell and replicate all through the body. The white blood cells will try to stop the multiplication of the virus. They will try to behold most of the non-specific symptoms of dengue fever. When the body is not able to stop the virus then it will affect the bones and liver. This dangerous virus will also feed on the small capillaries in the body which will cause its collapses. As the disease advances, hypovolemic shock may happen which may lead to death. It is life threatening and has already killed thousands of people and children. There are no drugs or proper medicines that offer a cure except for supportive therapy. Supportively the therapy for dengue fever includes oral rehydration, platelets transfusion, intravenous fluids and close monitoring of the patients vital signs are necessary.

To know more about the causes and effects of the dengue fever, you can check out the advice from experts related to health and hygiene and also steps to stay from dangerous diseases. Other ways to overcome the dengue fever is to maintain water balance of the body and also controlling the patient’s blood pressure. Many health practitioners and physicians advice the precautions to follow to keep one secure from dengue hemorrhagic fever. A single mistake or irresponsibility can lead to shock of death. There are many global networks that give certain information on dengue disease. You can even search for various encyclopaedias of health which has vast information about it. It expands with a geographic distribution of both viruses and mosquito vectors. A major challenge for public health officials in all tropical are as of the world is to develop and implement sustainable prevention and controlling programmes that will stop the occurrence of dengue hemorrhagic fever.
At present there is no certain immunization or proper treatment to get relief from the symptoms it is important to protect our health and be careful with dengue as there are no specific antiviral medicines for dengue. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a dangerous problem which affect among the young children. Premature medical analysis and medical care by professional doctors can improve the affected disease.

How is Dengue Fever Contracted

Methods to diagnose dengue fever:-
Dengue fever is caused by the female aedes mosquito that comes out from the stagnant water near the surrounding areas which are the main places for them to breed and carry the viral diseases all over. It transmits the viruses into the bodies of the human beings. Those who are infected by these mosquitoes gets the viruses into their bodies and within a few days feels a severe illness like fever, muscle and joint pain, headache, swollen glands and rashes on the whole body. It is characterised by the “dengue triad” which means fever, rashes and headache. This fever strikes those who have less level of immunity in the body. The body temperature will be 104 degrees Fahrenheit and the heart rate will be low with the blood pressure called as hypotension. The dengue virus is not a contagious disease but it follows a way that transfers from mosquito to person, person to mosquito and then to other person.
The dengue fever can be diagnosed by the components of blood which are white blood cells (WBC or leukocytes) or red blood cells (RBC or erythrocytes) and platelets which are called as thrombocytes. For a proper diagnosation of the disease, a few tests has to be performed which includes a test on blood count and polymerase chain reaction to find out the type of dengue virus in the body. There is no specific treatment to this disease but some have proved to be beneficial and curable to it. Herbal medicines have been used from centuries by our ancestors and even in today’s age to treat the diseases and heal them. There are many effective herbal treatments to treat severe diseases like dengue for which papaya leaf herb is used as it has many nutritive constituents like papain, carpaine,  caricin, vitamin A and C , singrin, lycopene. It is very beneficial to cure dengue fever and it proves very effective to increase the counts of platelets in the body. Another treatment for it is to consume jiggery and raw onions like papaya leaves which effects on the viruses in the body and maintains the normal range of platelets. As dehydration occurs during the period of this disease then it is more important to give more fluids and rest by the patients. There will be loss of appetite and also vomiting may happen.

People who don’t take proper protection from the mosquitoes are more to suffer with these painful diseases. The easiest way to the mosquitoes to infect the humans is by reaching the mass transportation areas and moving from one person to another person and getting infected. The more severe form of dengue fever is dengue hemorrhagic fever which is most dangerous for children as the symptoms are like bleeding from nose, guns and mouth. This type of symptoms may lead to death. There will be stomach pain; excessive thirst and difficulty to breath are the symptoms in dengue hemorrhagic fever.
If you suspect yourself with dengue or DHF, then consult a doctor immediately as 20% of people suffering with severe DHF or dengue fever die if certain diagnosis or proper treatment is not given to them. To keep your body healthy and strong then follow a proper nutritious diet and a regular exercise programme. This disease can occur anytime without any warning. So certain preventive methods have to be followed like storing water properly, covering water containers, proper waste disposal also using certain mosquito repellents also helps you from mosquitoes and their bites. The most practical step to prevent dengue is by spraying insecticides in public areas and clogged drainage system.

Signs and symptoms of dengue fever

Dengue fever is a disease caused by the dengue virus. The signs and symptoms of dengue fever are fever, headache, muscle and joint pain and s skin rash that is very similar to measles. Dengue is spread by several species of mosquitoes. The presence of fever, rash and headache is a characteristic of dengue fever. Since dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or an antibiotic to treat it. For a regular dengue fever, the treatment is purely concerned with the relief of the symptoms.
The bite of one infected mosquito can result in infection. The possibility of being bitten is highest during the early morning, hours after daybreak, and in the late afternoon before sunset. Aedes mosquitoes live indoors and are often found in dark, cool places such as in closets, under beds, behind curtains, and in bathrooms. The other signs and symptoms of dengue fever include bleeding gums, severe pain behind the eyes, and red palms and soles. Dengue can affect anyone, but tends to be more severe in people with compromised immune systems. As it is caused by one of the four serotypes of virus, it is possible to get dengue fever multiple times. However, an attack of dengue produces immunity for a lifetime to that particular serotype to which the patient was exposed.

Dengue fever begins with a sudden high fever, as high as 104-105 degrees Fahrenheit. This happens 4 to 7 days after the infection. A red rash may appear over most if the body, 2-5 days after the fever starts. The rash which looks like measles appears later in the disease. Infected people may have increased skin sensitivity and are very uncomfortable. Nausea and vomiting can also be symptoms of dengue fever.
                                                How to cure dengue fever?
       There are no specific anti-viral tablets or injections that can kill the dengue virus, but a lot of care treatment can help to save a patient suffering from dengue fever. Fever is treated by anti-pyretics like paracetamol; pain in the bone can be treated by analgesics or pain killing tablets. In case a patient is suffering from dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome then hospitalization is a must. The survival rate in the absence of hospitalization can be as high as 50%. With proper treatment the mortality reduces to 3%. Vaccines are being developed against all the 4 serotypes and they will definitely be the most effective way to prevent the disease.
Patients are prone to dehydration hence they should drink plenty of fluids. If necessary, a few days of intravenous fluids can be administered in the form of normal saline or dextrose saline. For some patients, oxygen is helpful.